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    A minor dispute over mining rights in the newly explored Icarus System leads to a confrontation between Chinese Republic and the European Coalition forces. The small Chinese Space Station Kiang is destroyed by EC forces, resulting in over 400 Chinese dead. Old alliances reform and lines are drawn in space, on one side the Chinese and the Arabian Empire, and on the other are the European Coalition and the British Empire. The United States of America tries to stay neutral to mediate the hostilities, but feels strongly towards their old allies, the British.
    Tension runs high throughout the Galactic Senate as debates continue concerning the Senates right to step in and end the hostilities.

   Early in the year, a probe found Eirithium Drioxide, in the Ross 154 System, on an outlaying planet on the rim of the solar system.  For the whole story, click here.

    Full scale warfare breaks out in the Icarus System, but the hostilities are buried by the politicians and the public at large know very little of what transpires there.
    After six years of war, the planet, Icarus Prima, is deemed inhospitable and left a barren wasteland. Spin doctors bury the tragedy and it is soon forgotten.