The Porto Brazilian Cooperative

The King acts as head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces. He is empowered to appoint the         Strong in mineral wealth, this nation controls nearly the entire asteroid belt and all the minerals that are mined from there, including iron, silicon, carbon, nickel, helium and hydrogen. The nation's practice of 'strip mining' the asteroids has come with much debate from the Galactic Senate. Thus the PBC has come under fire, much as Brazil did in the 1900's for it's acts of deforestation. However, with the low cost and availability of the minerals mined from these asteroids, it is difficult to find a politician who will vote against the PBC.
    The PBC is controlled by the Trade Commonwealth Committee, a group of elected officials from the major industries in the nation. Here business is law and money the only language.


Systems or Planets with major Porto Brazilian Cooperative presence>
System> Sol
    Planet> Earth [multi-national]
    Planet> Mars [multi-national]
    Asteroid Belt Space Station> Fernando [at Ceres]

System> Alpha Centauri
    Planet> Aeris [multi-national]

System> Bernard's Star
    Planet> Geneva [multi-national center of Galactic Senate]