Nightmare's Legacy

Personnel Section

Jake Speed aka Starwolf <No Picture Available>
Player Name: Phelix Bruner

Physical Description:

Jake stands 6’2” and weighs in at 175 lb.  He has shiny black hair and blue eyes.  As a resigned vet he has a propensity for wearing surplus fatigues or while on board ship simple pilots coveralls.


Favorite Weapon:

9mm Zero G Pistol

Special Items:

The Triton Corsair (a tramp freighter inherited from his grandfather)


Jake is a risk taker and many times will get caught up in the adrenaline rush of some wild stunt.  This love of pushing the envelope is one of the factors that made him one of the top fighters pilots in the Galactic Naval Service.  Jake is capable of being very calculating and cold blooded when he needs to be but overall he tends to play the dashing swashbuckling hero.


Special Skills:

Acrobatics - Daredevil, Ranged Weapons Modern – Pistol, & Vehicle Operation – Space & Air Vehicles

Favorite Saying or Comment:

I’m on your six, prepare to eat vacuum…


Jake Speed was born into a military family; his father was a Galactic Marine Master Sergeant.  His father earned the Galactic Senate Medal of Honor posthumously.  This earned his son an appointment to the military academy of his choice.  After his fathers death his mother and his Grandfather raised him.  His grandfather instilled in him a love of flying by taking him along on occasional trips to run cargo.  His grandfather spent his life running a tramp freighter service out of Earth.  Jake resigned from the service to take over his grandfather’s ship upon his grandfathers’ untimely death under questionable circumstances.  Officially his death was ruled an accident in the asteroids around mars when an airlock seal failed, but the body was cremated before an autopsy could be performed and the seal was supposedly repaired before an inquiry could look into the incident.  Jake believes that his grandfather was murdered for reasons unknown and he would like to solve this mystery and bring the culprits to justice.


Main Dislike About Character:

His temper sometimes gets the better of him whenever he thinks something unjust or unfair is happening


Special Attributes:

Through a combination of pushing the envelope and his combat training Jake has developed a keen instinct to sense danger bordering on the mystical (Perk: danger sense).   He also has developed an extreme tolerance to zero-g environments due to his prolonged trips with his grandfather as a lad and his enhanced training as a space fighter pilot by the Navy.


Bruce Hanson aka The Master <No Picture Available>

Bio:  Not available yet!

Ian Smith aka Smitty <No Picture Available>

Bio:  Not available yet!

Radiant <No Picture Available>

Bio:  Not available yet!