Galactic Senate Justice Corp (GSJC)


      The Judicial branch of the Galactic Senate consists of two sections.  These are the Judicial Tribunal and the Galactic Senate Marshals (GSM).  The Tribunal sits in judgment of any accused and passes sentence upon conviction.  Sentences levied are set forth and governed by the Uniform Code of Galactic Justice (UCGJ). 


      The Marshals act as the investigative and enforcement arm of the judicial branch.  They are responsible for investigating individuals, corporations, groups, and nations that are accused of infractions of the UCGJ.  The GSM is further responsible for the apprehension and detention of accused entities. And finally they are responsible for the enforcement of sentences passed down by the Tribunal.


      During the trial process advances in physiological science have allowed the development of a sensor system that makes perjuries on the witness stand an almost unheard of event.  Basically the person being questioned by the tribunal is seated in a chair mounted on a pedestal.  They then place their hand on a sensor pad that makes a neurological connection to the central nervous system and through that to the brain.  The controlling computer then speaks out and states that an error has been detected if the person being questioned does not tell the truth.  An amazing success versus Deception skill is required to fool the machine.  Of course it is possible for a person to really believe what they are saying is the truth and still be in error.


The Uniform Code of Galactic Justice


Article 1: Treason

Article 2: War Crimes

Article 3: Terrorism

Article 4: Racketeering

Article 5: Crimes against persons

Article 6: Crimes against property

Article 7: Crimes against Nations

Article 8: Conspiracy

Article 9: Piracy

Article 10: Extortion

Article 11: Inhumane Acts

Article 12: General Article